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Winter Time


Winter is the ideal time to give your roses some attention. Tackle the task of pruning your rose bushes this June or July! Prune them back to 1/3 of the original plant to allow more exposure to sunlight, encourage new growth and reduce disease!

If you’re in a colder climate of Australia hold off a hard prune until early August to avoid frosts killing off the new shoots, before they’ve had a chance to sprout!

Three weeks after your winter prune, we recommend fertilizing your roses with our NEW Rose and Flower Fertilizer granules and continue to apply this every 6 weeks.

If you want even more out of your blooms in the next season, apply a good dose of our NEW Neptune Liquid Seaweed every 3 weeks and mulch around your rose bushes with our poultry manure enhanced Not Just Mulch. Your Rose bushes will be healthy, full of new growth and an abundance of bright, colourful blooms come Spring!

Feature Product:

Katek Rose & Flower Fertilizer Granules!

Introducing our new Rose and Flower Fertilizer granules! We have created a specialised combination of organic composted poultry manure + beneficial trace elements! Rose & Flower Fertilizer is ideal for strong, healthy plant growth and bright, colourful blooms! Just one 3kg bucket will cover approximately 30sqm!

Feature Farm:

Joe Petersen, Petersen’s Farm, Woolooga, South East QLD

“We grow 4 to 5 thousand Rosella plants each year. We find Katek Super Growth is ideal and has boosted yield by 20% and the plants look fantastic”.

“We also grow a few tonnes of Snow Peas. We plant on Katek Super Growth and on flowering, side dress with Katek N Phoska which has the right amount of nitrogen to boost yield and potash to give large size of pods. We have stopped using chemical fertiliser all together now, we see the great advantage of Katek products which are looking after our soil”

What to Plant:


Cool Climate/Temperate:

Alyssum Aquilegia  Begonia Calendula Cineraria  Cornflower Delphinium  Dianthus Foxglove Geranium  Hollyhock  Larkspur Lobelia Nemesia  Pansy  Polyanthus Poppy  Primula  Ranunculus  Snapdragon  Viola


Ageratum  Alyssum Candytuft  Carnation  Cornflower Cyclamen Delphinium  Dianthus  Everlasting Daisy  Geranium Iceland Poppy Impatiens Marigold  Pansy  Sweet Pea


Ageratum  Aster  Balsam  Carnation  Cosmos Dahlia Dianthus, Everlasting Daisy Gazania Geranium Gerbera Impatiens Kangaroo Paw Marigold Nasturtium Petunia Portulaca  Snapdragon Sunflower Verbena Zinnia

Vegetables & Herbs:

Broad Beans Onions Garlic Peas & Snow Peas Radishes Shallots Spinach


Lettuce Onion  Spinach Rocket  Beetroot Coriander Cauliflower Snow Peas Broccoli


Watermelon Eggplant Cucumber Potatoes  Cabbage  Broccoli Lettuce Pak Choy Basil Radish  Turnip  Carrot

Super Chicken’s Top Tips! 

  • Re-mulch around rose bushes & citrus trees
  • Fertilise winter growing vegetables mid-morning with our NEW Katek Super Growth All Purpose Liquid Fertilizer!
  • Reduce frost injury by gently hosing over plants first thing in the morning. Don’t remove frost-damaged sections of plants to provide protection to the still growing plants underneath.
  • Prune plants that flowered in summer or autumn
  • Take cuttings of your favourite frangipani trees
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