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The Busy Bee's - How to Attract Bee's

Lars Wheeler

Attracting Bee's to your Garden

The Business of Bee's

Bee's those hardworking little fella's, that if they didn't exist, we wouldn't either.

I don't need to go into detail and tell you why they are important, as we are all well aware that without them, life as we know would no exist. As we admire and reap the benefits of our gardens, how often do we actually stop and admire the hardworking Bee's that make it all possible. Without these buzzing busy bodies, we wouldn't have our plants pollinated. So lets stop, think and ponder, How can we help these threatened species, after all, despite everything, they continue to work for us without complaint.

Bee's - Are they endangered?

Well depending who you talk to, what articles you read and what keyboard warriors tell you the reality is, they are threatened regardless if they are endangered or not. We can make a difference in any backyard and do our part to help them, as they help us.

What can I do you ask?

Good Question, here are my simple tips to increase their presence in your garden/yard or even patio. It doesn't matter where you live every little step can help our Bee's to thrive.

1. Bee loving Plants! just like people are drawn to the lovely smell of food, popcorn, coffee or a chargrilled steak on the Barbie, bee's love the smell of Heady perfumes. The following list are Bee favourites, and not only are they inexpensive, they can grown just about anywhere in the garden or even patio's. An added bonus, they are also relatively easy to propagate and expand, natural pest deterrents and can even be used in cooking!

Bee Balm









2. Weeds - Weeds, that's right I said Weeds, weeds by definition is something that we call a pain in the....., you know what I mean. So this tip is for those that want a simple and easy solution. Many homes

have lawns, and amongst our lawns are generally weeds, ( I don't think of them as weeds, but for this conversation we will call them that). Common flowering weeds that Bee's love are dandelions and

Clovers. Let them grow, if you can or have the space to leave a patch grow in your yard, do so, how easy is that! Little less mowing, and the bee's will bee Thankful! and all it takes is less 

effort from you. Further, you can arrange two sections, that you cycle between to ensure you are growing fresh flowering weedy goodness for our Bee's.

3. Bee Hives - We won't go much into detail on this subject, however if you can or have the space why not introduce a bee hive to your home. There are many varieties and types available so you could find one to suit your needs. Consider them homes for your in house workers that will love and care for all your plants. Whether you choose a native Bee (stingless) or honey Bee's they will be more than happy to help you in return for some loving sweetness of your flowers, and perhaps, if you get honey Bee's you will be rewarded with the best tasting honey in the world!

4. Unlike above, if you don't want the hassle of getting a hive and setting it up, you could try these options. You can make/purchase native bee hives, and place them around your yard, and hope that

the little fella's find their way and set up home. This is a favourite of many gardeners, as native bee's don't sting! yet they still love to get neck deep in your plants. 

5. Lastly, if you have the space, why not contact a Bee' Farmer, and offer your land to them to place their hives. They will know the rules and regulations in certain area's, however this way you you will benefit and they will also. If they can increase their production, this will increase our Bee population, and who knows, they may pay you in HONEY!

There you have it, Lets bee Busy and open our yards to the wonderful life of the bee.

Thought... If every home invested 10mins a week to support the Bee population, what would the result be? let me know your thoughts!

Thank you again for popping by, and lets Bee Productive and Dig In!

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