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How to use and make compost for your garden

Lars Wheeler

Compost - The hidden world in your garden.

Compost is possible one of the most beneficial actions that you can take to boost your gardens. Not only does it feed the little critters, such as worms, but it also boosts the nutrients to your plants, improves soil conditions, increases water absorption and the list goes on. Check out this simple to follow process and get the compost happening in your yard!

Whilst there is no set hard and fast rule to creating compost, the key to creating quality compost is to think like a little microbe and what they need to thrive. The fundamentals of life, air, water and food keep us hustling and bustling will get the micro organisms, worms and all the other creepy crawlies busy and they will soon transform your kitchen and garden scraps in beautiful compost that is healthy sweet and highly nutritious product for your plants, trees and vegetables.

A quick google search and you will find many compost setups, and you will mostly definently find the one that will be right for you. For conversation, I will suggest the big black bins that you see in many backyards.

As mentioned above, there isn't a right or wrong way to do composting, however a key fundamentals is to keep the balance right.  So start out with Two compost bins (or whichever you choose) that way once one is full you can start the second one :) and the cycle begins.

Hot Tip -

Be sure to protect your compost with some chicken wire or aviary mesh, You want it small enough to keep vermin and rodents out, but not small enough to let the bugs and critters in. If you have the upright bin type, simple screw some chicken wire to the base before you fill it.


The compost site should be placed in a position that is out of direct sunlight and away from any tree roots and be sure that it is sitting on open soil. This will create the perfect environment and before you know it the worms will be wriggling their way up to eat your leftovers. Keep filling one bin until it is full, and then leave it to decompose until it is a nice rich soil look.

Kick start your compost bin with some carbon neutral product that is full of air such as dry dead leaves and even some ripped up old news papers etc and give it gentle hose down with water. Then every time you add green waste to the bin, top with brown.

Hot Tip -

Brown waste creates energy and green waste add nitrogen for growth.

There’s no secret recipe or ‘right or wrong’ to composting, keeping a balance will ensure that it decomposes nicely and maintains a happy environment for all those little microbes.

There you have, the simple kickstart and basic process of getting composting started at your place. The benefits are endless, and not only from the organic matter, but the compost will also save your pocket by providing beneficial nutrients in your garden.

So get out there and DIG IN!

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